These sometimes cute, sometimes terrifying, but consistently wonderful monster designs are all the original work of Elizabeth Moore (EM.) The influences for these creations include Dungeons and Dragons, real-world mythology, and cryptozoology. The style of these pieces typically involves a fusion of illustration and graphic design, though some pieces lean more heavily towards one or the other.
Littlebit The Stout
LittleBit the Stout is a young knight who lives in a time of Monster sized (and shaped) problems. She has been named hero of her town and set to “solve the monster problem” . Due to her fascination with the mythical creatures and not being a very violent person, Littlebit sets out on on her quest to find clever ways of solving the monster problem; earning her the name of "The clever knight".
This is an on going series that hopefully will turn into a children’s book story to inspire little knights, wizards, princes and princesses to think out side the box when it comes to what seem to be black and white situations.
Fan art
Many things i have been interested in over the years that have inspired my creativity. I honor that by putting my own spin and style on some of my favorite I.P’s